I remember when my best friend and I decided to get real philosphical which isn't really all that surprising at all. If you knew him and I, and where we decide to take our conversations you'd realize, it's usually the stuff that matters, especially listening to music.
Well one day, we went for an adventure though the park, and I said to Tom, "Ya know what?" We spend so much time thinking about what we have done or what we have to do. We never just "be" in the present moment. We're so caught up with all the mundaness and normalities of life, that it just passes by. Of course he recited one of his favorite quotes where I don't know where he got. "Merge with the flow of being".
I thought of this because today at FC, Doug Sundheim writes
"Paradoxically, when you're obsessed with results, you're less effective at producing them. This is because your head isn't in the present moment. It's off in the future - worrying about the result. It's like a basketball player trying to win a game by staring at the scoreboard. It doesn't work. Focus on playing the game and the score will take care of itself."
I think this is an excellent observation, it kind of merges itself well with the whole Buddhist/Zen Philosophies as you can see below, Until next time I leave you with this quote:
We should work like the rain. The rain just falls one rain drop after another.. -- Jakusho Kwong (1935 - ), American Zen Buddhist Monk
It doesn't ask: Am I making a nice sound down below? Will the plants be glad to
see me? Millions and billions of raindrops, only falling